Sunday, August 3, 2008

ColourLovers Interview with LICHTFAKTOR: Light Graffiti Artists

COLOURlovers: What drew you to become light graffiti artists?
LICHTFAKTOR: As VJs, we were used to film and because we are all into graffiti it was only a small step. This is the reason why our light-paintings are always moving.
CL: What was it like starting out, and how did you get to where you are today?
LF: We needed content for a 360° projection. This was the first time we used this technique because it just fit so well with the theme of the event (energy in motion). We are still at the beginning, and we know that so much more is possible with lightwriting. We want to explore new ways of expression in urban culture.
CL: What are some of your favourite creations?
LF: We like it when the surroundings are well-integrated into the picture. We also like the abstract light-graffiti stuff, and we want to get deeper into that style.

CL: Do you prefer to work with certain devices, mediums, or places? Do you prefer certain colours?
LF: We like the contrasts between different light sources, like xenon and its nice golden look. LEDs make thin, precise lines and cold cathodes are doing this fatcab style. We put lenses and other different things on the flashlights to get different shapes and colours, or use multiple LEDs and colour filters … we like green, pink, magenta.

Like we said before it is always nice to integrate something like the trashcans or other stuff we bring to life. It is less interesting to just write into the air.
CL: Sprint has recently launched a light graffiti campaign for their commercials. Have you seen any of these clips or images?
LF: Yes, we have. Did you see the making of it? It is very commercial, but it is done very well.
CL: Do you know many other light artists?
LF: We know now many lightwriting artists all over the world, all by the internet, but we never met one or worked with another lightwriter, but we will.

LICHTFAKTOR was recently away in London to work on a project called Star Wars vs Star Trek for Sky Movies. The film showcases what the LICHTFAKTOR crew means by using their surroundings and being in love with making light-painting come to life.

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